Asked Questions
For Parents
Who is the FORT for?
The FORT is open & available to all youth aged 11-18.
Is the FORT a church program?
No. The FORT is open to all youth regardless of faith, and while we welcome support from many church communities we are not affiliated with any particular group.
Is the FORT supervised?
Yes, all programs are supervised by our Program Coordinators and volunteers from the community.
Is there a charge for programs?
No, all programs are provided FREE of charge.
Does my child have to stay for the full duration of the program?
Both the After School & Teen Program are Drop-In based, meaning participants can arrive or leave any time during programming hours and can come as often or as little as they want throughout the week.
Can I come to the FORT and check it out before sending my child?
Absolutely. We encourage parents/guardians to come meet our staff & see all the great things the FORT has to offer youth!
For Volunteers
What opportunities are available for me to contribute?
The FORT always appreciates donations in the form of money and program supplies to help us keep our centers running. But we are also constantly looking for volunteers for our centers, people to host fundraising events, volunteer on behalf of the FORT at community events and offer their skills and specializations to help us out. You can contact us to get in touch and find out more!
Do you accept donations other than money?
Yes! We often accept donations in the form of program supplies, pre-packaged and sealed snacks, and any other items that can be of use in our centers. Feel free to email us or just drop by during operating hours!
I am trying to make a monetary donation. To whom do I make the cheque out to?
Thank you! All cheques can be made payable to 'The FORT', and can be mailed or dropped off to our main office in Grimsby. Click here to find out more.